is the capacity of your Customer Brain
Think of your organisation as a customer brain, devoted entirely to the design and delivery of exceptional customer experiences. Realise that the most successful companies are only capable of applying half of their brain capacity, for the average company, it's much lower than that.
The Customer Brain tool will boost the capacity of your Customer Brain by aligning your organisation and your employees with a world where your customers want more from the products and services they buy.
Customer Brain Zones
Everyone within your organisation must to be capable of creating value for customers, particularly as customer expectations and demands continue to evolve. The Customer Brain tool will ensure this becomes a part of everything your people do by extending the internal customer capabilities (Brain) of your organisation and its employees by nurturing ‘Customer Brainpowers’, soft skills distributed across seven zones, each of them critical for meeting and exceeding customer expectations. These areas are Understanding, Engagement, Experience, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Innovation, and Advocacy.

How the Customer Brain tool works
Work Environment
Your work environment's ability to support your customers
- Your people access the Customer Brain Tool via desktop, tablet or mobile
- Feedback captures the capacity of the work environment to support each of the seven customer brain zones
- For each zones, insights linked to blockers or enablers are captured
- Feedback via the tool is anonymous and takes at most two minutes

Employee Soft Skills
Your employee's ability to support your customers
To explore the ability of your workforce to connect with your customers through their work, each employee will pick their three best soft skills or brainpowers. These are the skills that make them feel most alive at work and that shape their most successful and satisfying moments.
So the aim of the Customer Brain Tool is to strengthen our ability to identify and eliminate friction that’s limiting our capacity to leverage our unique qualities for the benefit of our customers and to gain recognition for it.

Chris N Denison
Environmental Barriers
Which Customer Brain Zones are weakest
- The capacity of your Customer Brain is used to measure effectiveness of each zone of the Customer Brain
- The capacity is calculated for each zone of the customer brain.
- The capacity is compared to (i) the baseline and (ii) previous measures. Any significant decline is highlighted
- Key insights representing significant blockers or enablers are presented and an action-plan implemented

Weaker Brainpowers
Which customer brainpowers are weakest
Customer brainpowers that demonstrate the most change vs. baseline and previous measurements are highlighted.
The patron principle
The Patron Principle is about leveraging people’s strongest brainpowers (soft skills) to strengthen their weaker ones. This requires the design and delivery of a range of rapid-fire Tactical Responses.

Tactical Response
Strengthening Cognitive Capacity
Based on the customer brain profile of a team or workforce, we identify the soft skills that require strengthening the most. In response, we devise tactical strategies that pair weaker soft skills with stronger ones, applying the Patron Principle. A programme of these tactical strategies is then implemented and closely monitored to assess its effectiveness.

The ‘Customer Brain’ tool improves metrics including Customer Lifetime Value, Retention Rate, Referral Rate, Average Revenue Per User, Satisfaction Score, Acquisition Cost, and Effort Score. It achieves this by integrating the customer into every aspect of a business.
Throughout my tenure as Chair and Chief Executive of the Post Office, BUPA, The Open University, and the Financial Reporting Council, as well as in my role as President of the CBI, keeping the customer front of mind has always been a challenge. However, with 'The Customer Brain', Chris and his team have transformed customer-centricity into a living, breathing part of everyday business operations. This shift is indeed long-overdue.
Sir Bryan Nicholson - KBE GBE FRSA